[. . . ] Welcome to your new Polaroid P50i User's Manual Part Number: 980299-001 © 2004 POLAROID 1 Rev. 1. 1 FOREWORD This manual contains installation and operation information for the Polaroid P50i Series card printers. RETURN MATERIALS AUTHORIZATION Before returning any equipment to Polaroid for in-warranty or out-of-warranty repair, contact Repair Administration for a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number. Repack the equipment in the original packing material and mark the RMA number clearly on the outside. Ship the equipment, freight prepaid, to the address below: Polaroid Digital ID Systems 4650 Executive Blvd. Ft. Wayne, IN 46808 www. polaroid-id. com Free number: 1-866-484-0611 COPYRIGHT NOTICE This document contains information proprietary to Polaroid. [. . . ] Change the options as follows: 1· On the Device Settings tab the magnetic encoder feature is automatically enabled. If you need to change settings for a Magnetic Encoder, select Encoder settings button. 2· On the General tab select card orientation: Landscape or Portrait - Select "Landscape". (in NT, this is located under Document Defaults when you right mouse click from your driver icon. In Windows 2000 and XP, it is located under Print preferences. ) 3· In the Ribbon section, the ribbon type is automatically detected and enabled for you. 3a· You can click on "ribbon Info" and see how many panels are left. 4· In the same tab, go to Black Panel area and select Text Only. This option allows the text printing using the Black Resin Panel from the Color Ribbon. Now that you have loaded media and set up the printer driver, the P50i Printer is ready to print. 23 3 · 3 Printing a sample card: Follow the steps to print your first card 1· Go to the Microsoft Word Software. 2· If the printer was not selected as the default printer, go to the file menu and Select Printer and choose Polaroid P50i Card Printer in the printer names list. Then Close the print dialog box. 3· Come back to file menu and choose Page Setup. 5· Go to Margins tab, set the top, bottom, left and right margins to O (zero) values (for P50i only). 8· Design a card with both black and colored text and with colored pictures (for P50i printer only) as follows: Build the World with us!http://www. polaroid-id. com 9· Once you are ready to print, go to File and select Print 10· The printer will feed in a card and start printing (the data download time will vary depending on the complexity of the card design and the processing speed of the computer). 11· Once the printing job is achieved the card is ejected from the printer. 24 4 CLEANING PROTECT YOUR FACTORY WARRANTY!The recommended maintenance procedures must be performed to maintain your factory warranty. Other than the recommanded cleaning procedures described in this manual, allow only Polaroid authorized technicians to service the P50i Printer. NEVER use a high pressure air compressor to remove particles in the printer. 25 4 · 1 Cleaning System Your P50i Printer includes a simple cleaning system using Pre-Saturated Cleaning Cards provided. The regular use of these cards will clean and maintain important parts of your printer that cannot be reached: including the Print Head the Transport Rollers and Magnetic Encoder Station (optional feature). WHEN TO CLEAN Every 1000 cards approximately using 5-panel color ribbon cassette. HOW TO CLEAN 1 · Leave power on. Press on both sides the Cover Release buttons to open cover and remove ribbon cartridge. 2 · Insert one Pre-Saturated Cleaning Card through the bottom slot of the Card feeder. 3 · Press the multi function control button for a few seconds. [. . . ] D1 · Perform a Cleaning of the Print Head (see 4 · 2 Cleaning the Print Head). · Printing shows blurry printed image. Possible Cause A · Ribbon cartridge may not be correctly positioned. B · Ribbon may not be synchronized on the correct color panel position. >> Solution A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 · · · · · · · · · Open cover and replace ribbon cartridge, make sure it locks in place. [. . . ]